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Failover is the automatic switching of computer servers or systems from a main system to a standby system due to some kind of failure or abnormal termination that occurs within the main system.

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Q: What is the meaning of a 'failover' in computing?
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Log shippindg in sql server?

Log shipping is one of the failover solutions offered by SQL Server 2000. In this context, failovermeans substituting primary server with a backup (sometimes also referred to as standby) server if the primary hardware becomes unusable. Failover solutions can also be used to provide close to 100% uptime-during primary database or server maintenance and during software upgrades you could use the standby server to continue serving your customers. Failover solutions can be automatic or manual. With automatic failover, the backup server detects when the primary server is not available and takes over without any intervention from the database administrator. An example of an automatic failover solution is clustering. With manual failover, the database administrator (DBA) has to perform some steps to bring the standby server online. In SQL Server 2000, log shipping is a form of manual failover.

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WAN Failover needs to have tests set up for each WAN Interface. These are usually run by qualified computer technicians to avoid glitches in your network.

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