

What is the meaning of acidic magma?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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11y ago

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acidic magma is any magma with a SIO2 above 63%

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Q: What is the meaning of acidic magma?
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Both originate as molten magma but in the case of granite the magma is acidic and in the case of basalt the magma is basic.

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It is an acidic magma and has a huge caldera.

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No, it the generic word for a rock formed from an intrusive, acidic magma.

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Is felsic magma eruptive?

Not usually. Because it is so viscous, felsic magma does not erupt as easily as mafic magma. While eruptions of felsic magma do occur, most felsic rocks are intrusive, meaning they solidify underground.

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