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Cuneiform is the ancient Mesopotamian form of writing. Scribes were taught to read and write in cuneiform. Not many people besides scribes were able to learn cuneiform. It was a very complicated way of writing.

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25m ago

Cuneiform is a system of writing that was used in ancient Mesopotamia. It consisted of wedge-shaped characters that were impressed on clay tablets. The best meaning of cuneiform is "wedge-shaped writing" as it accurately describes the appearance of the script.

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What is AAS in Cuneiform?

Cuneiform consists of signs, each meaning a word. There is no alphabet.

How did cuneiform evolve over time?

Like many ancient languages, cuneiform actually began as a series of pictures that were later drawn using a series of wedges, where they get their name, cuneiform, from Latin cunei-meaning "wedge."

What type of writing does the mesopotamians use?

the form of writing is called cuneiform, it used wedge-shaped symbols called pictographs meaning pictures or drawings that represents a word or idea

What type of writing did sumerian scribes use?

The system of writing developed by the Sumerians was called Cuneiform.

Is Cuneiform a short bone?

There are 3 Cuneiform bones in the human foot 1) medial cuneiform 2) intermediate cuneiform 3) lateral cuneiform

What script did the Sumerians use?

The Sumerians used a script called "Cuneiform" pronounced qew-nay-i-form. Cuneiform documents were impressed on wet clay by means of a blunt reed and the impressions left by the reed were wedge shaped, hence the name cuneiform from the Latin term cuneus, meaning "wedge").

How was hieroglyphic writing different from cuneiform?

Hieroglyphic writing was a system of pictorial symbols used by ancient Egyptians, whereas cuneiform was a system of wedge-shaped characters used by ancient Mesopotamians. Hieroglyphs were mostly used for religious and monumental inscriptions, while cuneiform was used for a wide range of purposes, including administrative records, literature, and legal texts. Additionally, hieroglyphs could represent both sound and meaning, while cuneiform mainly represented meaning.

What are the differences between cuneiform and pictographs?

Well, pictographs are math. Cuneiform is one of the oldest kinds of writing. It is - contrary to pictographs - also an abstract form of writing: the horizontal and vertical 'scratches' do not form a picture of the meaning of the words. With pictographs, their meaning (or part of it) is reflected by the drawing that is made for each word.

What are the characteristics of cuneiform?

Cuneiform are wedded shape

Who created cuneiform?

Cuneiform was created by the Sumerians.

What is cuneiform language?

Cuneiform is a sumerian language

The sumerians created the first known writing system what is this system commonly known as?
