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Doctrinal embarrassment refers to situations where a religious belief or teaching causes discomfort or conflict for an individual or group. It can arise when a doctrine contradicts personal beliefs, societal values, or scientific evidence, leading to feelings of unease or cognitive dissonance among followers. Resolving doctrinal embarrassment may involve reinterpretation, revision, or rejection of the conflicting doctrine.

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Q: What is the meaning of doctrinal embarrassment?
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What is doctrinal conformity?

Doctrinal conformity refers to the adherence to a specific set of beliefs or teachings within a particular religious, ideological, or philosophical framework. It involves individuals or groups conforming to established doctrines or principles in order to maintain unity and shared beliefs within the community.

What meeting resolved some doctrinal questions and provided direction and unity for the Catholic Church during the Counter Reformation?

The Council of Trent, held between 1545 and 1563, was the meeting that resolved doctrinal questions and provided direction and unity for the Catholic Church during the Counter Reformation. This council addressed issues such as corruption, abuses, and theological challenges raised by the Protestant Reformation, reaffirming key Catholic teachings and practices.

What are the four main divisions in the book of Romans?

The four main divisions in the book of Romans are: (1) the introductory section in Romans 1:1-17, (2) the doctrinal section in Romans 1:18-11:36, (3) the practical section in Romans 12:1-15:13, and (4) the concluding section in Romans 15:14-16:27.

What is the biblical meaning of the name colin?

Colin does not have a specific biblical meaning as it is not a name found in the Bible. It is of Scottish origin meaning "young cub" or "virile." The name does not have any direct religious connotations.

What is the biblical meaning for name the name Todd?

The name Todd does not have a specific biblical meaning. It is thought to be of Scottish origin, derived from the word "tod," meaning fox.

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The word meaning "the state of being embarrassed" is spelt embarrassment.

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Embarrassment metaphor

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A doctrinal party is a party that is ideologically driven.

How can you use the embarrassment in a sentence?

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Can you sue for public embarrassment?

can I sue for public embarrassment

What is the verb of embarrassment?

The verb form of embarrassment is embarrass.

Is embarrassment an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun 'embarrassment' is an abstract noun, a word for an emotion.The noun 'embarrassment' is can be used in a concrete context; for example: That house is an embarrassment to the neighborhood.