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Durability is the part of recovery system ,it has response to recover the failure data,it also comes under transaction managment

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Q: What is the meaning of durability in DBMS?
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How DBMS overcomeTFBS?

DBMS (Database Management Systems) typically overcome TFBS (Transaction Failure Before System) by using transaction management techniques such as ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability). These ensure that transactions are either fully completed or reverted to their original state in case of failure, maintaining data integrity. Additionally, DBMS often implement logging and recovery mechanisms to help recover the database state in case of unexpected failures.

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Three types of DBMS (Database Management Systems) include relational DBMS, object-oriented DBMS, and NoSQL DBMS. Relational DBMS organizes data into tables with rows and columns, object-oriented DBMS stores data as objects and classes, and NoSQL DBMS handles unstructured and semi-structured data with flexible schemas.

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What is the purpose of dbms?DBMS is a software that organises the creation, storage and maintenance of Databases for end users.