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ESP stands for Extra-Sensory Perception, which refers to the ability to perceive information beyond the five physical senses. This can include abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and psychometry. It is a controversial concept within the field of parapsychology and has not been scientifically proven to exist.

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Q: What is the meaning of esp subject?
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Can esp actually be tested?

ESP, or extrasensory perception, is a controversial concept that lacks empirical evidence in scientific research. Various studies attempting to test ESP have produced mixed results and have not been able to conclusively prove its existence. As a result, ESP is considered by many scientists to be a pseudoscience.

What are the aims of esp?

The aims of ESP (English for Specific Purposes) are to teach English language skills within a specific discipline or field, such as business, medicine, or engineering. It aims to equip learners with the language skills needed to effectively communicate in their professional or academic contexts. Ultimately, ESP focuses on providing language instruction that is relevant and applicable to the learners' specific needs and goals.

What is the definition of stripend?

A stipend is a fixed, regular payment made to a person, typically for services rendered or to support a specific activity such as research or internship, but it is usually lower than a salary or wage.

What is the function of the complement shown in parentheses in Stacey is a member of the student council?

The complement "a member of the student council" serves to provide more information about the subject "Stacey" by identifying her role or association within the student council. It completes the meaning of the sentence by specifying what Stacey is.

What is the meaning of the word Australia?

Australia comes from the Latin Australis meaning 'of the South'.the word means happy and joyful loving and caring but also adventures

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Especially. Experience tells the meaning of the letters esp. Esp stands for extrasensory perception. This is the ability to read minds, move objects without touching them and other things of that sort.

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