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Eukarya is one of the three domains of life, comprising organisms with cells that have a distinct nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. This domain includes animals, plants, fungi, and protists. It is distinguished from the other two domains, Bacteria and Archaea, by its complex cellular structure.

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What are Domains in classification system?

There are 2 main domains in the classification system. There is Eukarya and Prokarya. Eukarya has Eukaryotic organisms meaning that the cells have a nucleus and Prokary has Prokaryotic organisms meaning the cells don't have a nucleus. These a very basic cells that can live on there own with barely anything.

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Yes, it is eukarya.

What is domain is eukarya?

Domain Eukarya, or eukaryotic organisms, are pretty much organisms with a nucleus(eukaryote comes from greek meaning "true kernel/nut", referring to the presence of the nucleus). This is opposed to the prokaryotic organisms and archaea, which do not have a nucleus.

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Domain Eukarya consists of the most kingdoms of the three domains.

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Plants are classified in the domain Eukarya.

Is Eukarya a prokarote or eukaryote?

As the name might imply, Eukarya is the name for eukaryotes.

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The six kingdoms are Animalia (Domain Eukarya), Plantae (Domain Eukarya), Fungi (Domain Eukarya), Protista (Domain Eukarya), Archaea (Domain Archaea), and Bacteria (Domain Bacteria).

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Eukarya is not within the domain Archaea or Bacteria. These two domains are distinct from Eukarya in terms of cellular structure, molecular makeup, and evolutionary history.

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Amphibians belong to the Eukarya or Eukaryota.

Is eukarya greater than or less than animalia?

Animalia. (Eukarya includes Protists, Animalia, Plantae, and Fungi)