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It has no meaning beyond just living ... and that is a circular argument.

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The meaning of human life varies for each individual, but commonly includes concepts like finding happiness, fulfilling one's potential, forming connections with others, and contributing positively to society. The purpose of human life, if any, can be seen as a combination of pursuing personal growth, fostering relationships, and making a positive impact on the world around us.

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Q: What is the meaning of human life What is the purpose of human life if any?
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Is life meaningless?

The meaning of life is subjective and can vary from person to person. Some find purpose through relationships, work, hobbies, or personal growth. It's ultimately up to the individual to create meaning in their life.

Nihilism in a sentence?

Nihilism is a philosophical viewpoint that asserts life has no inherent meaning or value, and that there is no objective purpose to existence.

What is an existential question?

An existential question is a philosophical inquiry that pertains to the meaning, essence, and purpose of human existence. These questions often revolve around themes such as individual identity, freedom, mortality, and the nature of reality. They aim to explore fundamental aspects of human experience and existence.

What do you call someone who hates mankind?

Someone who hates humanity would be called a misanthrope.Misanthropy is defined as generalized dislike, distrust, disgust, contempt or hatred of the human species or human nature. A misanthrope is someone who holds such views or feelings.The previous answer, "Nihilist" argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value. Moral nihilists assert that morality does not inherently exist, and that any established moral values are abstractly contrived. Therefore, nihilism is not the appropriate word.

What parts of life nature or human nature do you control?

I am a machine learning model programmed to provide information and assistance based on the input I receive. I do not have the ability to control any parts of life, nature, or human nature.

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What is the meaning of life and why are you here?

The meaning of life is whatever you want it to be. We are here to fulfill our purpose. And our purpose, is why we are here. My teacher says that her purpose is to teach kids and change their lives. An author or writer's purpose might be to change our view of the world. The meaning of life is what life means to us. Does it mean to spend every second with family? Or does it mean to teach people about the world and change their lives, their point of view? Whatever life means to you, whatever your purpose is, that's the meaning of life. And remember that the meaning of life is different for everyone.If you have any questions about the meaning of life, please email me

What is the meaning of purpose if the purpose has no meaning?

The concept of purpose implies that there is intent or reason behind an action or existence. If purpose itself has no meaning, it suggests a lack of underlying motivation or significance to one's actions or existence. This could lead to feelings of aimlessness or lack of direction in life.

Explanation for man can only find meaning in life?

Without meaning nothing can be explained.Life is not endemic to any random selection of elements without programming ,forethought and fit for purpose.

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42 is the international symbol for the meaning of life. this is the symbol, because the meaning of life has no real value, because if we did happen to know the meaning of life, then life would lose it's purpose, because it's purpose would have already been done. In short, you don't want to know, and if you do, then good luck (if there are any further questions, please direct them to the movie "A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy". It can't do you wrong.) ;-)

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What do atheist believe to be life's purpose?

There is no need for an atheist to have any position on life purpose. He only has to accept that there is no god or gods.

What are the doubts of chemistry in human life?

There aren't any. Chemistry is very definitely involved in human life.

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Walk here and there without any purpose

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The purpose of a black person is the same as the purpose of a white person, or any other color. The color of ones skin doesn't mean your purpose in life is any different.

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the meaning of man-made is when a man or any human make the thing

What is the purpose of life if you die at the end of it?

Some say the purpose of life is procreation, however if this is the only purpose of life that we experience then what is the point of anything? The continuous Circe of birth and death is fueled by the belief that continuing to breed is the reason we are here, however this may be a personal purpose of life that each living thing is supposed to share, but this supposed purpose explains nothing on a larger scale than individual motives. On a more universal scale one can not assume that the purpose life is to have children, because if that is the only reason of existence then the universe itself serves no purpose than to support life and if life itself serves no other purpose than to create and support other life then the reasons behind the existence of the universe are of no consequence to any greater good or higher power as life in itself is fragile and short. The existence or purpose of one life is inconsequential to the meaning of life behind all living things. The fact is that it is highly probable that there is no purpose behind life, except the purpose to simply exist. I don't know whether this helps at all.

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I'm not sure I understand the meaning of this question, but cats, like any other animal, goes into heat for the purpose of reproducing. It is a part of their normal cycle of life.