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he is mine

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Q: What is the meaning of il est mon ami?
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How do you say he is my friend in french?

Il est mon ami.

In french how do you say someone is your sister or brother or mother or father?

Il est mon père. (father)Elle est ma mère. (mother)Il est mon frère. (brother)Elle est ma soeur. (sister)

How do you say he is my brother in french?

Il est mon frère

How do you say and he is my dad in french?

Et il est mon père.

How do you say he is my dad in french?

Il est mon papaI would rather say: C'est mon père

How do you say he is my only brother in french?

IL est mon seul frère

I would like to know the French wording of The Lord is my shepherd?

Im not sure about the exact translation, but the French version is: L'eternel est mon berger, Je ne suis cou son agneau, Con duis moi partes sentiers, Au valon des fraiches eau, L'eternel est mon rocher, Et mon prevert et fleuri, Il est lombre du figuer, Sur le soliel du midi, L'eternel est mon abri, Quand la foudre grond au ciel, L'eternel est mon ami, Je t'aime, et je t'aime benir, Tu est l'eternel.

How do you say he's downtown with a friend in French?

Il est en ville avec un ami.

How do you answer the question qui est-ce?

Qui est-ce? Is a phrase that means who is it. You can answer as the following: Il/Elle est mon ami/amie (meaning:He/She is my (mon is masculine, even if you are a girl amie only takes mon) friend (ami for a guy friend, amie for a friend who is a girl, and they both sound the same) Instead of Il/Elle est, you can also use C'est which means many things: he is, she is, this is, that is, and here is. I hope I helped you out :)

How do you write a descriptive writing about your friend in french?

Mon ami est très intelligent et adroit. Il sait comment peindre une peinture, il sait comment conduire une voiture et il a une belle petite amie. Il vit dans Nantes, une très jolie ville en France. Je suis sûr que mon ami sera un vainqueur sur sa vie.

What does fo pas explose Mon ami mean?

The correct grammar and spelling of the sentence: "Il ne faut pas exploser, mon ami." It means: You must not explode, my friend./ You don't have to explode, my friend./Don't explode, my friend.

How do you say 'I love my best friends' in french?

yup that's how you spell it. Est-ce elle? Eh bien, il n'y a pas de quoi. Au revoir (is that it? well, your welcome. Bye.)