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Q: What is the meaning of imd?
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Full form of IMD?

Intermodulation distortion.

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through satellite technology

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What is the full form of IMD?

Indian meterological department

What is the abbreviation for the word immediate?

It's IMD.(lower case)

What does imd stand for after a doctor's name?

Independently. Medical doctor

How do you edit plot synopsis in IMD?

IMD doesn't seem to be an abbreviation that has anything to do with writing. Sorry, but I have no idea how you edit a plot synopsis in whatever computer program that may be. This is the writing category where you learn how to write stories.

Who are the publishers of Otmar Nussio Divertimento for Contrabassoon?

IMD. You can get the contrabassoon and piano reduction at Trevco Music

How information is dissemeted by IMD at various levels during disaster?

ham radio, satellite, television, radio

How many mobile phones in 1995?

23 Million worldwide. Based on IMD research.

What is the sum and difference of 1776 and 1499 but working out both calculations from start to finish entirely in Roman numerals?

Notwithstanding today's rules now governing the Roman numeral system, that were introduced in the Middle Ages long after the decline of the Roman Empire, inasmuch that it can be extrapolated from reliable historical sources that the ancient Romans would have worked out the given numbers as follows:- Sum of: MDCCLXXVI+IMD = MMMCCLXXV => 1776+(-1+1500) = 3275 Difference of: MDCCLXXVI-IMD = CCLXXVII => 1776-(-1+1500) = 277 Note that under today's rules the equivalent of 1499 as a Roman numeral is now considered to be MCDXCIX but the ancient Romans would have simply abridged it to IMD because M-C+D-X+C-I+X = IMD