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The meaning of life in my opinion is we were all alive previously to our birth. The things we like now are possibly what the "other one of us" liked. Basically we are a reincarnation of some one else and when they died or passed on we took their place kind of and the things they like.

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Q: What is the meaning of life in your opinion?
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What are the attributes of life and its meaning?

the meaning to life is no fact, but an opinion. the attributes of life is to live, gan knowledge, work, get nmarried, have kids, hve fun, and live life to its fullest. personally, the meaning of life to me, there is none, we will get too advanced for ourselves and forget to create a fail safe, in which our creations will kill us.

What is the meaning of life not the definition?

42. Well, no, not really. The meaning of life depends on your point of view. Generally, it is an action that is important to you, such as "being kind," or "giving," etc. However, the meaning of life for some can be to do terrible things, simply because that is what they think is most important in their life. This is not the right answer. There is no right answer. This is simply my opinion.

Does WikiAnswers contain reliable information about the meaning of life?

WikiAnswers was originally made so that people have the right to answer and ask questions according to their opinion. WikiAnswers is Wiki based meaning that users must answer correctly, although it is still their opinion and research. Someone else may get a different opinion from the research, and they have their right to that opinion. If you ask the question "What is the meaning of life?" and someone answers "Live it up and enjoy it!" that's their opinion, although yours may be "Don't let it go to waste" it means relevantly the same thing, but two different opinions, and two different people.

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Opinion is a personal idea over something

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An opinion that does not favour either side.

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NOT "opinion", -meaning ! - It is talking with someone.

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The meaning of fact is something that can be proved or actually exists. The meaning of opinion is a statement that cannot be supported by evidence but reflects the speaker's beliefs.

What is another meaning for life?

The meaning of life is to give life meaning……..

What is the meaning of lfie?

To be the very most you can and be a functioning member of a society. Life is much bigger then you. But, in my opinion, if you make a difference in at least one persons life I think you've succeeded as a human

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The subjunctive is a verb mood used to express desires, doubts, hopes, or hypothetical situations. It is often used to convey uncertainty or subjunctive mood express an action that hasn't happened yet.

What in your opinion is your deepest question on life?

My Opinion -- Why does life exist. The deepest question on life means a question which touches the heart, liver and spleen of the phenomenon that is called life. Where life came from, how it is transferred exactly from being to being, what is the meaning of life, what is the purpose of life here, and where do we go after life have all been deep quesions that have been troubling mankind since its emergence. But the deepest and the most relevant question of all is the above one: Why Life?

What is the meaning of informed opinion?

An informed opinion is a viewpoint or judgment that is based on knowledge, evidence, and research about a particular topic or issue. It is formed through critical thinking and consideration of various perspectives and viewpoints before reaching a conclusion.