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It is an ungrammatical group of misspelled Spanish words, meaning: "much good girl"

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Q: What is the meaning of mucho bueno chakita?
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What does q bueno cuidate mucho preciosa mean in English?

q = abbreviation for "Que" Que Bueno. How good [nice] Cuidate mucho preciosa Take [much / good] care of yourself a precious [girl/woman].

Mucho calor por la trabajo no bueno Que donde tus?

Es importante mantenerse hidratado y buscar lugares frescos durante el trabajo en climas calurosos. Asegúrate de tomar descansos regulares y vestir ropa ligera y transpirable. Busca la manera de mantener tu espacio laboral fresco y ventilado para mayor comodidad.

What does bueno se poco pero no mucho mean?

Well I know little but not much. Yes it makes little sense, but that's what it is.

How do you say OK I will call you tomorrow I really need you in Spanish?

Bueno, te llamaré mañana. Te necesito mucho.

How do you say im not that good at it but i will try hard it in spanish?

Translation: no soy tan bueno en eso pero voy a esforzarme/trabajar mucho.

What does Mucho hace calor mean?

It should be hace mucho calor, meaning it is very hot (weather)

What was the meaning of te quiero mucho y you echo de?

te quiero mucho y you echo de means " I Love You and Miss You "

How do you say my spanish is not so good?

It depends on how it is to be understood. If you mean to say that you are not well or that you feel sick, the translation is "No estoy bien." If you mean to say that you are a wicked person, the translation is "No soy bueno."

Feeling good in Spanish?

It is "Me alegra oirlo" or " ¡Me alegra oir eso!"

What does eso es bueno mean?

The Spanish phrase es bueno means it is good. It can also refer to a person, meaning he is good.

What is the candy bar named after Bueno y mucho?

u would probably think its baby Ruth but that was named after grover clevelands daughter Ruth so i don't know

What is the meaning of Te amo mucho te extrano te necessito y te quiero mucho?

Te Amo mucho = I love you very much Te extraño (sounds like extranio) = I miss you Te necessito = I need you Te quero mucho = I love you very much