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the staminate also known as the androecium is composed of the organs of the male reproductive system (flower). these are the anther and filament.

the pistillate on the other hand (gynoecium) is composed of the organs of the female reproductive system. these are the pistil, style and ovary.

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15y ago
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2mo ago

Pistillate flowers contain only female reproductive parts (pistil) while staminate flowers contain only male reproductive parts (stamens). In pistillate flowers, gametes are egg cells produced in the ovule. In staminate flowers, gametes are sperm cells produced in the pollen grains. When these gametes come together during fertilization, they form seeds.

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9y ago

Some flowers contain both stamen and pistil, the two parts of the flower required for reproduction. Staminate flowers only contain the stamen, which produces pollen, while pistillate flowers only contain the pistil, or the part that accepts the pollen to create seeds.

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12y ago

staminate=pollen grains or male gamete or antherozoid

pistillate= female gamete or egg or ovum

staminate means stamen bearing , unisexual male flower

pistillate means pistil bearing, unisexual female flower

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10y ago

staminate flower - a flower that has no pistil but has a stamen

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9y ago

Stamen in flowers produce the pollen that contain the male sex cells for plants. The pistil, however, is what contains the ovum, with the female sex cells.

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Q: What is the meaning of pistillate and staminate flower and types of gametes in them?
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What are the difference between staminate and pistillate flowers?

the staminate also known as the androecium is composed of the organs of the male reproductive system (flower). these are the anther and filament. the pistillate on the other hand (gynoecium) is composed of the organs of the female reproductive system. these are the pistil, style and ovary.

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Example of staminate flowers?

Cucumbers, holly, and chrysanthemums have staminate flowers. A staminate flower has working stamens, but not functioning carpels. This is sometimes referred to as a "male" plant. Most flowers have functioning stamens and carpels.

Why Can a staminate flower not produce seeds?

because it is not able to reach the water and soil

What are examples of pistillate flowers?

Examples of pistillate flowers include flowers of squash, cucumber, watermelon, and apple trees. Pistillate flowers typically have female reproductive structures such as ovaries, styles, and stigmas, but lack male reproductive structures like stamens.

Why can't a staminate produce seeds?

Staminate plants (male reproductive structures) cannot produce seeds because they lack the necessary structures for seed formation, such as the ovule and the embryo sac. Instead, staminate structures produce pollen, which is essential for fertilizing the ovules in the pistil of female plants for seed production.

What flowers have a pistil?

Flowers that have a pistil include roses, lilies, daisies, and sunflowers. The pistil is the female reproductive organ of a flower, typically located in the center of the flower and consisting of the stigma, style, and ovary.

Where are the male and female sex cells in the flower?


Where are the male and the female sex cells in the flower?


Where female gametes of flower formed?

Female gametes in a flower are typically formed in the ovule, located within the ovary of the flower. The ovule contains the egg cell, which is the female gamete. Pollination and fertilization occur to produce seeds within the ovary.

Where are gametes located in a flower?

The male gametes are located in the pollen of the flower. Hence, the new growth of flowers through the process of pollination. ----------------- In general it is located in the stamen region of the flower. The stamen includes the filament and the anther and when the anther bursts, pollen comes about.

On a flower what moves down to the ovary?

The male gametes in the pollen tubes.