

What is the meaning of public property?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is the meaning of public property?
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What does private property meaning?

It means: "Property belonging to a private individual" as opposed to "public property" : property belonging to the community as a whole or belonging to the State".

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PlPD = public liability, property damage, meaning your policy will cover medical and some property damage to a vehicle or property you may have an infraction with

What is public property and its conservation?

Public property is a property which is owned by people collectively.

What is the opposite of private property?

The opposite of private property is public property, which is owned collectively or by the government for the use and benefit of the general public.

When a property becomes a public property?

when it is for general public use

Can you give or tell some slogans on public property?

You work, you earn you pay tax, tax create public property damage public property, damage your own income.

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The fraudulent appropriation of property by a person to whom it has been intrusted; as, the embezzlement by a clerk of his employer's; embezzlement of public funds by the public officer having them in charge.

Why is public property more important than private property?

because everybody is effecting y absence of public property. there is saying "Everybody's is nobody property". So we should give equal importance to private property and public property

Is a supermaket on public or private property?

A retail store is a public space but it's private property.

Is the White House public property?

Of course it is. As the official residence of a public official, the White House is a public property.

Can a nursing home be a public property?

If it's government run, then it can be considered public property.

Why we should take care of public property?

we should care the public property because we all so use that property