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It is generally accepted that only simple Hydrogen (one proton) appeared from the big bang, with a small quantity of heaver isotopes of hydrogen such as deuterium etc which also have the one proton that defines hydrogen but more neutrons are possible including not only deuterium but the unstable isotope of hydrogen called tritium.

A smaller amount of Helium and heavier isotopes were also believed to have formed right up to but not heavier than beryllium. A few BBN theories have been around since the 1940s and they are all an attempt to explain why these elements (Hydrogen in its variations and Helium etc) appeared after the big bang.

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Q: What is the meaning of the big bang nucleosynthesis?
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Big bang nucleosynthesis

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3 minutes after the big bang

What happened 3 mintues after the big bang?

Neutrons combined with protons to form the Universe's deuterium and helium nuclei in a process called the Big Bang nucleosynthesis

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Big Bang nucleosynthesis produced stable isotopes for:Hydrogen(Deuterium)HeliumLithium

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In physical cosmology, Big Bang nucleosynthesis refers to the production of nuclei other than those of the lightest isotope of hydrogen during the early phases of the universe.

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No. The only elements made within a few million years (actually a few seconds) after the Big Bang were hydrogen, helium, and trace amounts of lithium. Iron was not created until stars began nucleosynthesis.

Why were there no atoms around after the big bang?

The energy of the universe was too high for matter to exist. After some of the fundamental forces broke apart, due to the cooling caused by the expansion of the universe, it became possible for matter to form.Look up big bang primordial nucleosynthesis for more on this topic.

When was uranium made?

Uranium and the majority of the other elements (excepting H, He, Be, Li, transuranium elements) are formed after the big-bang (creation of the universe) by stellar nucleosynthesis in novas and supernovas.

How is uranium formed?

Uranium and the majority of the other elements (excepting H, He, Be, Li, transuranium elements) are formed after the big-bang (creation of the universe) by stellar nucleosynthesis in novas and supernovas.

What materials created the big bang?

We have no idea what, if anything, existed before the Big Bang, or even if the concept of "before" has any meaning in this context.

What is big bang necleosynthesis?

Nucleosynthesis. It refers to the formation of atoms larger than Helium-1. Because of the extreme conditions right after the Big Bang, it is believed that some Deuterium and Helium were formed, perhaps some Lithium too; but no significant amounts of other metals. (In Astronomy, a metal is any element heavier than Helium.)

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a big bang theory believer