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It's not an idiom because you can easily figure out what it means. If you do something "at any cost," then you don't care what happens or who gets hurt.

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Q: What is the meaning of the idiomatic expression at any cost?
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What is the meaning of the idiomatic expressions of at any cost?

It's not an idiom because you can easily figure out what it means. If you do something "at any cost," then you don't care what happens or who gets hurt.

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What does the idiomatic expression at any cost mean?

It means just what it sounds like - no matter what the cost, do it.

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Are you asking if this expression would be acceptable in formal English? It may not be the worst usage in formal English, but I would look for another way to say it. It is idiomatic, and may not give a consistent meaning to any reading expecting standard usage.

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