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Q: What is the meaning of the karyotype notation 45 XX -5?
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What are the risk of having 45 chromosomes?

a person can only have 45 chromosomes if one of them was translocated to another one. its called a partial monosomy. the person would have a karyotype beginning similar to this if it was a female 45,xx,der. 45 stands for the chromosomes. xx stands for female. and der stands for translocated or rearrangement.

What is the difference between karyogram and karyotype?

karyogram is the picture of all chromosomes, karyotype is the description (eg. normal human female is 46, XX

What best describes the human karyotype?

Human karyotype = 1 pair of sex determining chromosomes, either xx or xy, and 22 pairs of autosomes.

What best describes Human Karyotype?

Human karyotype = 1 pair of sex determining chromosomes, either xx or xy, and 22 pairs of autosomes.

The 23rd pair of human chromosomes tells the gender with xx being and xy being male which gender is karyotype?

XX is Female XY is Male

What is the karyotype for a normal human female?

A normal female karyotype would be described as 46 XX. A karotype shows the pairs of metaphase chromosomes of an individual cell and sorted according to size.

What describes the humanities?

Human karyotype = 1 pair of sex determining chromosomes, either xx or xy, and 22 pairs of autosomes.

What are heterosomes?

Heterosomes are the sex chromosomes, i.e.: the 23rd pair of chromosomes in a karyotype. In a human female these are XX, and in a human male they are XY.

Describe a normal karyotype and a abnormal karyotype?

A normal karyotype will show all 23 chromosomes at normal growth, and the end will show an either XY (boy) or XX (girl). Karyotypes of people with autosomal diseases and other diseases associated with chromosomes will show abnormalities on that certain chromosome. For example, Down syndrome is caused by a whole extra chromosome on chromosome 21. This extra chromosome can be seen on the karyotype.

What does the combination of genes in sexual reproduction allow for?

XX or XY are the combination of geanes for reproduction process in humen being. Whereas XX is the genetic representation of a female and XY being of a male. The genes XX & XY appear in the 23rd pair of chromosomes in the karyotype of a human.

What is 20 01 1992 in roman numerals?

In today's notation it is: XX-I-MCMXCII

Factors of 45?

the factor for 45 is 1 ,3 ,5 ,9, 15 ,45 xx