

What is the meaning of the sucessor?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What is the meaning of the sucessor?
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Cam queen elizabeth name anyone as her sucessor?

yes, yes she can

Can the president pick his sucessor?

No, The line of succession for the presidency is set forth in the constitution.

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Yes, he had a wife. She was the Lichchhavis princess. He then had a son who was his sucessor. Samudragupta.

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No, Hitler heard what he was up to, so he named Doenitz as his sucessor.

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They returned to their ancient beliefs under Amenhotep's sucessor, Tutanchamon.

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In counting numbers, a sucessor number is the next higher number than the referenced number.

Why should Harold godwinson have been made king?

because he had a great deal of power by 1066.He was a powerful,and a sucessor person.