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It means "we are now friends." In ancient Middle East salt was a rare commodity, and one shared salt with their friends as a flavor enhancer. If you sat down at a table (meal) with your enemy and there was salt between you, it was an indication of your intention to be friends, or that you regarded your enemy now as your friend.

Salt became representative of a serious covenant or oath.

It has been around since the days of Moses, as indicated here:

Numbers 18:19 All the heave offerings of the holy things, which the children of Israel offer unto the LORD, have I given thee, and thy sons and thy daughters with thee, by a statute for ever: it is a covenant of salt for ever before the LORD unto thee and to thy seed with thee.

[Gardeners Delight adds]: It was also used at dining tables to signify those of an inferior nature, i.e if you were below the salt, you were considered inferior.

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it means we are now friends

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