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its a slang meaning for getting vagina.

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Q: What is the meaning of think pink in slang?
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What is the meaning of the expression think pink?

"Think pink" essentially means "think girly." When trying to conceive a girl, women are often told to think pink in hopes of increasing the likelihood of having a girl.

What is the meaning of I'm not dead by pink?

It means's...if you think she is dead, she answered no I am not.

What is a pink crayon sharpener?

Slang for vagina

Is it ok for a christian to use slang?

I think it would depend on the meaning of the word. Does the slang have a hateful or derogatory meaning, or is it a slur? If so, then no. If it has no hateful or derogatory connotations, then there's nothing wrong with it. Technnically speaking the word 'OK' is slang and nobody gets upset about that.

What does yocro mean?

It doesn't have a meaning it's just slang for I think or I guess in the Spanish language

Can you give me a verb definition for brass?

I think it means 'to prostitute' as in 'she brassed herself' meaning she sold her sexual services. It comes from the cockney slang for a prossie, brass nail, meaning tail (a slang word for a pros).

What does it mean to ride the pink pony?

"Ride the pink pony" is a slang term for sexual intercourse.

What is the slang meaning of you're sick?

"You're sick" in a slang meaning, means "awesome", "amazing", etc. i.e. "Yooo kidd, you threw down some sicccccck beats", means "I think those beats were pretty amazing".

What is the meaning of chocolate cake in slang?

well in Scotland we say cake a chocolate that's for like a mars bar ect but i don't think theres slang for a chocolate cake

Meaning of think pink?

Well, if someone is trying to have a baby or having a baby and they want a girl, then they use the expression, think pink, so as the pink vibe is around them all the time. There is a company that uses the slogan think pink, as well as, Pink Panther items that they sell that say that. Pink is associated with softness so it could be someone's expression to not be mean or ease up on your attitude.

How do you spell I rekon?

The slang rural expression is "I reckon" meaning I think, or I suppose. Example: "I reckon it's a fur piece." (I think it is quite a distance)

What is the meaning of slang word?

This word "Slang" is an abbreviation of "Sick Language" i.e. SLANG. and in slang "Sick" means "Cool".