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Q: What is the meaning of when lizard falls on arm?
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What is the meaning of falling lizard on the humman bodyparts?

The meaning depends on where specifically the lizard falls. For example, if it falls on your hair, it means you'll gain something in the immediate future. If it falls on your foot, it indicates bad luck.

What did Brachiosaurus mean in Greek?

Brachiosaurus (arm lizard) Brachio, meaning arm in Greek, and saurus or saur meaning lizard in Greek. To help further dinosaur questions om adding more. Velociraptor (speed theif) Velocity or veloci meaning speed or fast in Greek and raptor meaning thief. Tyrannosaurus rex (tyrant lizard king) Tyrann meaning tyrant in Greek, saurus meaning lizard and rex which in Latin means king. Pterodactyl (winged finger) Ptero meaning wing in gr eek and dactyl meaning finger. Brontosaur (thunder lizard) Bronto meaning thunder in Greek and saur meaning lizard. Dinosaur (terrible lizard) Dieno or dino meaning terrible in Greek and saur meaning lizard. That should be good if it helped post a comment :)

Is it a bad luck if lizard falls?

No. It merely means the lizard lost its grip on the surface to which it was clinging. It is not necessary to look for special meaning in ordinary occurances.

If lizard falls in water is it safe to drink?

is it safe to drink water if lizard falls in it

What is a brachiosaurus?

a arm lizard

What is the meaning of a lizard showing itself to you?

No meaning. You saw a lizard.

What does it matter if a lizard falls on you?

Well, that depends on where you live and the color pattern of the lizard.

Who out of the wanted has a tattoo of a lizard on his arm?

Jay :) x its of his pet lizard Neytiri x

What is the meaning of when a lizard falls and runs on your right legs?

it is a superstitious belief that lizard dropping is the indication of some good or bad event. if it falls right side of man, is considered good, bad on left side. left side dropping is good for ladies, right side is bad.

What happens when lizard falls of right side of the neck?

That means things will go right. Things will go right, even if lizard falls on left side of your neck.

What happens if lizard falls on your head?

what happened when lizard fall on our chest

How did the lizard in spider man loose his arm?

Curt Connors lost his arm during the war from an explosion .