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Q: What is the measure between the jaw of a cat?
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Related questions

How do you measure from micrometer of dia?

Put it between two jaw piece micrometer. Screw close movable jaw. And read on a micrometer ruler.

How many premolars are on a cat's upper jaw?


What causes bottom jaw to shake uncontrollably on a cat?

The bottom jaw on a cat can shake for many reasons. There could be a congenital defect, a side effect of medication, or illness.

Does jaw have a short or long vowel sound?

The word "jaw" has a short vowel sound, specifically the "ah" sound as in "cat."

What is the jaw force in the cat?

A domestic cat's bite force would be anywhere from 300 - 500 PSI

Describe the directional relationship between the jaw and ankle?

jaw is superior to the ankle. ankle is inferior to the jaw

The uses of upper jaw lower jaw and blade in vernier caliper?

The upper and lower jaws of a vernier caliper are used to measure the external dimensions of an object by placing it between the jaws. The blade is used to measure the internal dimensions of an object by inserting it into a hole or gap. Overall, these components work together to accurately measure dimensions with precision.

What is the difference between the three jaw chuck and the four jaw chuck?

The 3-jaw has three jaws and the 4-jaw has four jaws.

Which of these parts of a saber toothed cat was most likely to become fossilized?


What is the price for corrective jaw surgery?

Corrective jaw surgery costs between $20,000.00-$30,000.00.

What is the difference between a aligator and a crocrodale?

an aligator has an a shaped jaw and a crocodile has a c shaped jaw.

Who would win in a fight a cat with laser eyes or George Washington with an iron jaw?

They'd fall in love and hae cat-human babie