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Q: What is the meat of the pumpkin called?
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Related questions

What is the glop called inside a pumpkin called?

The gooey stuff in a pumpkiin is called the pulp or,meat.

What is the orange stuff in the pumpkin called and what is it?

It is referred to as "pulp" or sometimes, "meat."the seeds and POKEMON rule

What is in a pumpkin beisdes pumpkin seeds?

Pulp or 'meat' that is what you use to actually make pumpkin pies, etc.

What part of the pumpkin is in pumpkin pie?

The meat. The pulp and seeds are removed, and the meat is cooked until it can be removed from the rind. Then it is pureed, and can be used in many things, mostly notably pie.

Is curried pumpkin soup vegetarian?

Yes, as long as there are no meat or sauces containing meat, it is a vegetarian dish.

What pumpkin called in Hindi?

Pumpkin is called as KADDU in hindi. This is a very famous vegetable.

What is Sanskrit word for pumpkin?

pumpkin is called kadufalam in sanskrit

When you carve a pumpkin do you take the meat out?

Yes you do. It's a messy but fun process!

Why are pumpkin cats called pumpkin cats?

They tend to be fat like pumpkins.

What are pumpkin seeds called?

Kaddu Beej

Do chickens and alpaca eat pumpkin?

Yes. Both chickens and Alpaca will eat and enjoy pumpkins. The chickens will eat the meat and seeds of a pumpkin. The Alpaca will eat skin, meat and seeds. Alpaca's will get most of a shared pumpkin because chickens really do eat like a bird and the Alpaca can take much bigger bites.

What are the strings inside the pumpkin called?

the strings inside a pumpkin do not really have a name but most of the time its called guck or goo