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It's a futristic robot with programmed features and it sniffs out books. It attacks montag and doesn't like him.

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The mechanical hound in "Fahrenheit 451" is a robotic creature programmed to track down and punish those who go against the societal norms of the dystopian world. It interacts with Montag by sensing his growing disillusionment with society, which causes it to target him as a threat.

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Q: What is the mechanical hound and how does it interact with montag?
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A Mechanical Hound comes sniffing around the door as Montag is reading. The Mechanical Hound is a robotic beast programmed to track down and eliminate those who break the law.

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Montag mistakes a deer for the Hound in Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451." The deer startles Montag with its sudden appearance, causing him to compare its eyes and movement to those of the mechanical Hound.

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Montag is reading poetry just before the mechanical hound arrives. The hound's arrival should indicate to Montag that he is in trouble and that the authorities are aware of his subversive activities. His reaction is one of fear and paranoia as he realizes the seriousness of the situation he is in.

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Because, the mechanical hound attacked it.

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Montag thought the eyes of the Mechanical Hound were looking at him. He felt a sense of unease and felt like the Hound could see through him.

Why montag didnt run away before he killed beatty?

Because he was trapped and the mechanical hound was in the area

How does the mechanical hound die in Fahrenheit 451?

In Fahrenheit 451, the mechanical hound is ultimately destroyed by Montag, who uses a flamethrower to disable and destroy the robot.

What does the fireman in Seattle do to the mechanical hound in Fahrenheit 451?

In "Fahrenheit 451," the fireman named Montag turns the flamethrower on the mechanical hound, destroying it in self-defense as it is programmed to attack him.