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Q: What is the medical abbreviation meaning right side?
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What does the medical abbreviation RUQ mean?

Right Upper QuadrantRUQ: Abbreviation for the right upper quadrant (quarter). The RUQ of the abdomen contains the liver and the gallbladder, which would be under your ribcage on the right side.

What does the medical abbreviation SE mean?

The medical abbreviation SE stands for "side effect," referring to an unintended or negative effect of a treatment or medication.

What is the Medical term meaning the condition in which the heart is on right side of body instead of left?


What is the medical term meaning on the same side of the body?

Lateral is the medical term pertaining to the side. For example, bi-lateral TMJ surgery means both sides of the TMJ (tempero mandibular joint) were surgically treated; bi-lateral mastectomy means the breasts on both sides were removed. Also, to go laterally means to go to the side, which will be indicated by either (R) for the right side, or (L) for the left side. One side is unilateral, and both sides is bilateral. (uni = one or bi = two, lateral =side)

What is the medical term meaning the heart is located in right side of abdomen?

Dextrocardia is the term for the heart being on the right side of the thorax. I am not aware of a term for the heart being on the "wrong" side and far below the chest.

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Anterior is the medical term meaning front or in front of.

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What is the medical term for peroneal?

Peroneal is a medical term meaning related to the outer side of the calf.

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning right side?

later/oAs an adjective, "lateral" means pertaining to the side. A word root is "later/o" as in "lateroduction"--muscular movement pulling to the side.

What is the Medical term meaning both sides?

The medical term for the opposite side is contralateral.contralateralcontralateral