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Poison ivy and poison oak are plants that cause an allergic skin reaction in most people who are exposed to them.

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Q: What is the medical condition caused by poison ivy and poison oak?
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Related questions

Can you get poison ivy if you've had it before?

Yes. Its a medical condition caused by something on the outdoor world. Its not a medical condition that you only get once like the chicken pox.

What does the medical term secondary mean?

This means work caused the medical condition.

Poison ivy reactions are an example of what condition?

Poison ivy reactions are an example of an allergic condition, which is associated with cytotoxic T-cell activation.

Why is body itching caused?

Miskito bites and Poison Ivy.

Is poison ivy real poison?

Poison Ivy is not REAL Poison. Its a issue in the immune system that will make it react to you. If you have a serious case or allergic reactions you would need to seek medical attention.

Can black people get posion ivy?

Yes, black people, or African Americans, can get poison ivy. Any race of person can contract this condition if contact is made with the poison ivy plant.

Can poison ivy get in the blood?

It is problem caused on the skin by a poison. It could get into the blood but that would be very unlikely.

What is poison ivy and oak?

Poison Ivy and Oak can be caused by a poisonous plant which can lead to a really bad skin rash. You can use a type of a special cream to cure it.

If poison ivy gets on honeysuckles and you drink the honey will you get poison ivy?

No, you will not get poison ivy.

What is the name of the skin irritant in poison ivy?

Poison ivy rash is caused by a sensitivity to an irritant found in poison ivy and similar toxic plants, such as poison oak and poison sumac. Each of these plants contains an oily resin called urushiol (u-ROO-she-ol) that can irritate the skin and cause a rash.

What is the tagalog of poison ivy?

poison ivy

Who is Poison Ivy's boyfriend?

Poison Ivy has no boyfriend.