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united nations

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Q: What is the meeting of nations called that agrees upon international policy?
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Which division of the United Nations is called the town meeting of the world?

The General Assembly is the town meeting of the world.

Why is is it called the international date line?

the whole world agrees that the date changes on each side of the line

What is the root and its meaning of international?

Between or among nations; pertaining to the intercourse of nations; participated in by two or more nations; common to, or affecting, two or more nations., Of or concerning the association called the International., The International; an abbreviated from of the title of the International Workingmen's Association, the name of an association, formed in London in 1864, which has for object the promotion of the interests of the industrial classes of all nations., A member of the International Association.

A formal agreement between foreign nations is called an?

A formal agreement between foreign nations is commonly called an accord. However, they also can be called international agreements as well.

What was the international assembly of countries proposed by Woodrow Wilson called?

Covenant of the League of Nations...Or just "League of Nations" for short.

What was the meeting in 1884 of 14 European nations to determine rules for dividing Africa called?

the Berlin Conference

Who gave hilter Sudetenland?

The meeting was called upon and the paper they signed was The Munich Agreement.

What was the international assembly created to settle disputes and encourage democracy called?

The League of Nations

What A foreign policy characterized by a nations unwillingness to participate in international affairs is called?


The United Nations Charter has been called an international?

bill of rights

Why is the international space station called the international?

The International Space Station has the name it's name because it is being built and occupied by people from many different nations.

Which day is called International Ozone day?

The United Nations set International Ozone Day as 16-September, repeating each year.