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It sounds like you're trying to answer a question for school. I can tell you that there is no way to give this question a short answer. You'll need to present a good discussion of the music in terms of melody, rhythm, timbre, and dynamics.

I'd like to lead you in a couple different directions.


Does the melody repeat or change? How does it make you feel? How many melodies are there? Is there a main melody with countermelodies? Is there a melody at all? Does the melody go high and low or stay relatively static?


Is rhythm used to create a groovy dance-feel? Is it repetitive or does it change often? Is it complex and sporadic, or can you tap your foot to it? If you can determine the time signature, what is it, and does it change?

Timbre (the "color" or "tone" of the sound):

What different timbres do you hear (what different instruments are there)? Does the timbre change during melodies or stay the same? What about the accompaniments? Does the timbre of certain instruments make them stick out more or fade into the background?

Dynamics (different degrees of loudness):

Are there contrasting dynamics? How loud does the music go? How soft does it go? Does the piece or performance demonstrate a full range of dynamics?

If you would like my opinions and ideas on this topic, send me an e-mail at

Hope this gets you thinking in the right direction!

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