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it is extremely high....over 15 degrees Fahrenheit

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Q: What is the melting point for a metallic bond?
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Can you compare and contrast the 4 types of crystals?

Covalent, Metallic, and Ionic crystals have high melting points and densities, but molecular crystals tend to be soft and has a lower melting point. Covalent crystal=covalent bond and Ionic crystal=ionic bond.

The electron sea model of the metallic bond helps to explain why metals are what?

Properties of metals as high boiling point, high melting point, malleability, ductility, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, lustre are explained by the theory of metallic bonds.

What bond has a low melting point?

This is the covalent bond.

What is the melting point of a metallic element?

It depends upon the element. Mercury is liquid at room temperature, and the melting point of aluminum is much lower than the melting point of iron.

What chemical bond has a low melting point?

This is the covalent bond.

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What is the melting point of the element zinc?

Melting point of (metallic) Zinc is 419.53 °C, 692.68 K, 787.15 °F

What are some properties of metals with metallic bonds?

The atoms in metals like copper form METALLIC BONDS. There are three types of chemical bonds. So far, you know about ionic and covalent bonds. The third type of bond is called a metallic bond. Metals are the only elements that experience this type of bond. A metallic bond is a bond that holds atoms together in a metallic substance!!!Do you get it now? :D

What is a bond formed by the attraction between positively charged metal ions and the electrons around them?

Metallic Bond .

Using metallic bonds to explain differences in metals?

Conduct electricity, and usually also heat, readily. Metallic bonding also contributes to malleability.

Why technetium and manganese have low melting and boiling point?

Because of stable electronic configuration of Mn electrons are less delocalized and hence they cannot move in electron sea freely to contribute to strong metallic bond. Hence they have low melting points.

Most metals have high melting points. Which type of bonding accounts for this property?

Metals have a specific metallic bond.