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1,650 degrees celcius

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Q: What is the melting point of Crystal?
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What solids do not have a crystal form or definite melting point?

Amorphous solids have no definite melting point because their particles are arranged randomly. Amorphous solids do not have crystal form or definite melting point.

When a crystal solids is heated it melts at?

At its melting point, which depends on what it is.

Why vacuum reduces melting point?

The crystal lattice will slightly effect the high vacuum and eventually decrease the melting point particularly decomposing solids.

What is the melting point for lactose crystal?

42 degrees Celsius

Why will it still have a melting point range although a crystal may be pure?

because each compound has different isomers so that is why the melting point range is different.

How you can determine the melting point of a compound using capillary tubes and a digital melting point apparatus that need to be calibrated each time of use?

Melting points are ranges usually. It starts when the first crystal of the substance being tested melts and ends when the last crystal melts. Therefore the smallest sample possible and the slowest rate of heating will give the most accurate melting point.

What is the melting point buckminsterfullerene?

the melting point is about 1000 degrees XDXD

What are solids that do not have a crystal form or definite melting point called?

they must have strong network structures

List three physical characteristics of a mineral that are influenced by its crystal line structure?

Hardness, melting point, and crystal system (geometric classification).

Why crystal still have melting point although its pure?

because of the very strong electrostatic force of attraction

What effect would contaminating the sample with an insoluble impurity have on the melting point?

Soluble impurities (that is, impurities that are included within the crystal matrix) tend to lower the observed melting point and broaden the melting point range. Insoluble impurities have no effect on the melting point. Found from website:

What are some chemical properties of a mineral?

Melting point. Boiling point. Hardness. Crystal system(shape). Magnetism. Conductivity (heat and elecricity).