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Q: What is the memo line on a check for?
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What is the least important part of a check?

the check number

What is the memo line of a check for?

to tell the bank what the check is for

What is check memo?

The memo line on a check is intended to give more information about the check or the purpose of the check. It serves are a reminder for both the payer and payee.

Can someone write on the memo line of a personal check?

Yes, a person can write on the memo line of a personal check. Many people write down account numbers or what the check is being written for.

Were do you write your account number on a check?

Put it on the memo line

Is it illegal for someone else to change the memo description line on the check?

It would not be considered illegal to change the memo description of a check. It is illegal though to alter other parts of the check such as the amount of the check, who the check is payable to and the signature.

Write receipt when you are paying money for damage to car?

Use the memo line on the check for explanation of payment or definitely get a receipt for payment

Can you use white out on the memo line of a personal check?

There is no law against it, but most institutions will not accept altered financial or legal documents.

How do you write a check for 6 cents?

To write a check for 6 cents, start by writing the dollar amount in numerical form in the small box on the right side of the check. In this case, write "0.06". Then, write the dollar amount in words on the line below the recipient's name. In this case, write "Six cents". Finally, sign the check in the bottom right corner and include any necessary memo or note on the memo line.


Its where u put who ur paying

Why did you get a refund check from gannett what is it?

I don't know. But, I got one too.

What is a printed action memo?

Printed Action Memo This prepared from requires only a check mark in an appropriate square to indicate its message.