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The metaphor of breeze is often used to convey a sense of lightness, ease, and refreshing quality. It can symbolize change, movement, and a gentle influence that stirs things up subtly.

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Q: What is the metaphor of breeze?
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well a metaphor is defined as: a figure of speech in which an expression is used to refer to something that it does not literally denote in order to suggest a similarity.& an example of a metaphor is: That assignment was a breeze...The assignment wasn't literally a breeze, but breeze is an expression for easy.So no I would say "a piece of sky broke off and fell" is not a metaphor, but you can take what you want from it with the information i provided.

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Is The breeze blew the branches back and forth a metaphor?

No, the phrase "the breeze blew the branches back and forth" is not a metaphor. Instead, it is a literal description of the movement caused by the wind. Metaphors typically involve a comparison between two unlike things to create a deeper meaning or representation.

Which one of the following sentence is an example of a metaphor you are a rock- She eats like a bird- The breeze blew brances back and forth?

The phrase, "you are a rock" is a metaphor because it identifies one thing as being the same as something else unrelated. Similes compare two things using "like" or "as" and a sentence telling how the breeze is blowing is a description.