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Q: What is the method of changing goods used by African and white slave traders?
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Related questions

What things other than goods were exchanged between north African traders and west African traders?

culture, religion, language

What things other than goods were exchanged between North African and West African traders?

culture, religion, language

African captors and European slave traders traded which what for slaves?

liquor, guns, and metal goods for the slaves

How was called the method of exchanging goods used by African and White?


Where did Europeans explorers exchange goods with local African traders?

European explorers often exchanged goods with local African traders along the coast of Africa, at trading posts established by the Europeans. Key trading posts included those in West Africa along the Gulf of Guinea, such as Elmina and Cape Coast Castle in present-day Ghana.

What was traded with africans in exchange for slaves?

Slave traders traded goods such as guns, ammunition, textiles, beads, alcohol, and metalware in exchange for slaves in Africa. These goods were used to entice African leaders and traders to capture and sell slaves to European and American slave traders.

When Arabs traders settled in east African port towns what did they bring with them?

Arab traders brought goods such as textiles, porcelain, glass beads, and spices like cloves, cinnamon, and pepper to East African port towns. They also brought Islam, new agricultural techniques, and a system of writing known as Arabic script.

What is the role of Berber traders in trans-saharan trading?

Berber traders played a crucial role in trans-Saharan trading as they served as intermediaries between North African and sub-Saharan African regions. They facilitated the exchange of goods, such as salt, gold, and ivory, across the desert through established trade routes. Berber traders also helped to spread cultural influences and ideas between different regions.

Who may have acted as a middleman for African trade?

Middlemen in African trade historically included Arab and Berber traders who facilitated the exchange of goods between different regions, as well as European colonial powers during the period of colonization. These middlemen often controlled the flow of goods and influenced trade routes and networks.

What things other than goods were exchanged between northafricans and west African traders?

In addition to goods such as gold, salt, and ivory, North African and West African traders exchanged ideas, religious beliefs, cultural practices, technologies, and languages through their interactions and trade networks. This exchange of intangible elements helped to facilitate the spread of Islam across the region and contributed to the cultural and social development of both regions.

Why was jesus angry with the temple traders?

Jesus was angry with the temple traders because they were exploiting worshippers by selling goods and changing money inside the temple, which was meant to be a place of prayer and worship. He viewed their actions as a corruption of the sanctity of the temple.

Where did Egyptian traders travel to trade their goods?

They shipped their goods with other parts of Africa, the Greeks, and the Thebes