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periodic appearance of microfilaria in the periphral blood circulation of definitive host for the easy acess of intermediate host necessary for devolepment and perpituation of filaral worms

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Q: What is the microfilarial periodicity?
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What is microfilarial nocturnal periodicity?

Nocturnal periodicity:The microfilariae present in theperipheral blood during daytime is very low low in density.The number of microfilariaegradually increase fromevening to midnight


Elephantiasis is caused by a microfilarial nematode (very small worm).

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Elephantiasis is caused by a microfilarial nematode (very small worm).

Periodicity is best defined as?

The repitation of physical and chemical properties of elements periodically is called periodicity

What does lack of periodicity in medical terms mean?

Lack of periodicity means there's no pattern of repeat or recurrence.

What is the study of periodicity?

The study of periodicity is analyzing a certain topic or even an issue over a time span. The time span of the study could be up to years possibly. An example of a study of periodicity was conducted by Columbia University.

What is Periodicity best defined as in chemistry?

The repitation of physical and chemical properties of elements periodically is called periodicity

Why Mendeleev was able to observe periodicity?

mendeleev arranged elements according to atomic mass. He was able to observe periodicity when arranged in this pattern.

Example of periodicity concept in accounting field?

An example of the periodicity concept in the accounting field would be the aging of accounts receivable. A comparison of the balance sheet for one period against another would also be an example of periodicity concepts.

Why is periodicity an important concept?

Periodicity reflects the properties of elements and represents similar electron configurations. Just took the test and got a 100% :)

What is an example of periodicity?

A good example of periodicity would be the size of an atom which decreases across the Periodic Table but increases down the column

What is the periodic table according to?

This is the law of periodicity.