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Tunica media. It's composed of smooth muscle.

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Q: What is the middle layer of a blood vessel?
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How many layers does a blood vessel have?

A blood vessel has three layers. They are the tunica intima (inntermost layer), the tunica media (middle layer), and tunica externa (outermost layer).

The muscular layer of a blood vessel is the?

The tunica media is the middle layer of the wall of a blood vessel. It is made up of smooth muscle cells and sheets of elastic tissue that help regulate blood flow in the body by causing the blood vessel to narrow or widen.

The outermost layer of a blood vessel is the tunica intima?


What outer layer of blood vessels is composed of connective tissue?

connectiveThe outer layer of a blood vessel (artery or vein) is called the tunica externa or tunica adventitia.See is the layer of the blood vessel that is made of tough connective tissue.

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What are the three layers of an artery?

A thin inner layer, a muscular middle layer (that gives the vessel its flexibility under pressure from the filling blood), and a fiber-like outer layer that gives the vessel strength to not burst when the heart pumps blood to the body.

The innermost layer of a blood vessel is composed of?

The tunic intima is the innermost layer of a blood vessel. It has a slic surface that minimizes friction, allowing blood to move through the lumen.

What is the innermost layer of a blood vessel composed of endothelial cells?

Tunica interna

Which layer of blood vessel has squamous epithelium and connective tissue?

Tunica Intima

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Which blood vessel are the smallest consisting of only a single layer of epithelial cells?
