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Q: What is the middle tunic of the eye and it has rich supply of blood and nourishes the retina?
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What provides nutrient blood to the heart muscle?

The blood supply that nourishes the heart is provided by the right and left coronary arteries.

Vascular layer between sclera and retina blood vessels in this part help Provide oxygen and nutrients to eye?

The choroid is the vascular layer between the sclera and retina. These blood vessels supply the eye with oxygen and nutrients.

Why do people lose their eyesight?

There is more than one answer: Injury: To the eye, the nerve, the brain, the blood supply Clouding of the retina, the the fluid in the eye, loss of intergity of the cornina, the retina, changes to the retina, the fundi, dieases, clotting, protein crud, weakness in the muscles of the, weakness in focus, optic or brain atorphy, nerve conduction speed, lack of blood supply, too little or too much blood flow or blood pressure, burning from sunlight, cancer.

What nutrients does blood give to the retina?

the layer that supplies blood to the retina is the "Sclera" which is the outermost layer of the eye.

What is the vascular middle layer of the eye that provides the eye with blood called?

This is the middle layer of the eyeball and it is composed of the choroid, ciliary body and iris.

What does the optic disc in the human eye do?

The optic disc is crucial to the eyes. It functions as an entry point for the vessels which supply blood to the retina.

What is the blood supply to broca's area?

The left middle cerebral artery supplies blood to broca's area.

What is the blood supply to Wernicke's area?

middle cerebral artery, inferior division

What is the blood vessels on the retina that carry blood pumped from the heart?


What is the blood plasma job?

it nourishes the blood cells and supplies organic and in organic compounds to each and every cell in the body

What is the only part of the eye that has blood in the cow's eye?

The retina is the only part of the cow's eye that has blood in it. The retina is the layer of tissue on the back portion of the eye.

When diabetes damages the tiny blood vessel in the retina causing blood to leak into the posterior segment of the eyeball?

Diabetic retinopathy occurs when diabetes damages the tiny blood vessels in the retina of the eye.