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In "The Bread of Salt" by NVM Gonzalez, the narrator is a young boy infatuated with Aida, the daughter of his family's rich employer. When he first meets Aida, his mind is filled with feelings of awe and desire, as he becomes enamored with her beauty and elegance. He is hopeful and nervous about impressing her, but also aware of the social differences between them that may complicate any potential relationship.

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Q: What is the mind of character narrator when he met Aida in the story of the bread of salt?
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Note that antagonists are the one who gets into the way of the protagonist's goal. In this case, the young boy (the protagonist), wanted to be with Aida; and while 'being with Aida' was the goal, Aida was also the one who gets into the way of reaching the goal of the boy because whether or not the boy's goal will be reached, depends on her. And thus, Aida could be considered the antagonist. On the other hand, social classes can also be considered as the antagonist because while the boy was trying to reach Aida, his social class and Aida's social class dictates that they couldn't be together.

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For me, it is about a teen age guy who fell in love in a girl named Aida who is very rich. At first, he is dreaming that someday he will get the heart of that girl. He is also dreaming to be the best violinist in their place, that's why he always practice to improve his skills even though his grandmother told him to focus on his studies. And I think, one of the reasons why he plays violin and dream to be the best violinist is to impress Aida.

What is the plot in the short story bread of salt?

For me, it is about a teen age guy who fell in love in a girl named Aida who is very rich. At first, he is dreaming that someday he will get the heart of that girl. He is also dreaming to be the best violinist in their place, that's why he always practice to improve his skills even though his grandmother told him to focus on his studies. And I think, one of the reasons why he plays violin and dream to be the best violinist is to impress Aida.