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Amethyst, a form of quartz, is in the silicate mineral group.

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Q: What is the mineral group for amethyst?
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Related questions

Is amethyst an rock or mineral?

Amethyst is a mineral, a form of quartz.

Is a amethyst a nonmetal?

Amethyst is mineral not a metal.

What type of rock is amethyst quartz?

yes, it is. amethyst is a purple type of quartz.

Is amethyst related to rocks and minerals?

Amethyst is the purple variety of quartz. Quartz is Silicon Dioxide SiO2. The color comes from trace elements of manganese/Iron Oxide Fe2O3. To get the best color and best uniform color amethyst is heated.

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What type of rock is amethyst?

Amethyst is a mineral. Minerals can be found in all three types of rocks. The crystals are most commonly found inside geodes, making it classified a sedimentary rock. Amethyst is quartz mineral crystal with a purplish tint derived from iron impurities.

Is Amethyst an igneous or metamorphic rock?

Amethyst is an igneous rock. It is quartz which has been stained purple by mineral impurities.

Who made amethyst?

Amethyst is a naturally occurring mineral and was not made by anyone unless you are asking from a theological point of view.

What is a sentence using the word amethyst?

Amethyst is a type of mineral, and is also a purple color. Her ring has a large amethyst in the center. The amethyst robes of the choir look good against the dark walls.

Is amethyst igneous metamorphic or sedimentary?

Amethyst is actually a variety of quartz, and as a mineral, is not classified as igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary as are rocks.

What mineral forms amethyst?

Amethyst is colored quartz. Quartz is the crystalline form of silicone dioxide. The purple color of amethyst is believed to be a result of the effects of ferric iron and aluminum as the crystal is formed.