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Q: What is the mineral in salt that helps control the amount of fluid in the body?
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A nutrient that helps control the amount of fluid in your body?


What is sodium used for in the human body?

to control the level of fluid in your body, makes your heart beat faster, helps to maintain a healthy diet when you eat the right amount of it

What Helps control fluid and electrolyte balance and lowers blood cholesterol level?

what help control fluid and electrolyte balance and lowers blood cholesterol level

How does potassium affect your blood pressure?

Yes potassium deficiency can cause many problems such as hypertension, because potassium is a very important mineral that help us feel and be healthy everyday. Potassium is found in the body cells.

How is potassium helpful?

It helps control the amount of salt in your body.

Is potassium helpful?

It helps control the amount of salt in your body.

An organ system helps control fluid balance in the body?

The urinary system controls fluid balance in the body under the direction of the nervous and endocrine systems.

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Does mouth infection make you sick and feel dizzy?

Damage to the labyrinth, or the small, fluid-filled structure found in the inner ear that helps control balance, is generally the reason for dizziness.

What does a mineral do to the body?

it helps your mom

Why reducers are used before and after pressure control valve in piping control station?

reducers are used to improve flow control in a steady nature because when the fluid flow through the pipe there is turbulence in flow. due to turbulence in fluid it effect to measuring devices which vary in readings, to avoid such it need to contract the area of the pipe in shape of reducer is at upstream of the control valve and down stream of the control valve there is expander which helps to fluid to flow in regular size of it.

What are the machines that helps to control diseases?

Machines don't control diseases, though machines might be used in the monitoring or treatment of diseases, such as:BP cuffthermometerglucose meterIVs on machines (to control drip rate of fluid)dialysis machinesventilatoretc.