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Every HTML and XHTML page must have at least 4 elements to be considered valid by the W3C.

Those elements are HTML, HEAD, BODY, and the HEAD child TITLE.

Furthermore, the standards define that the there must be one and only one of both the HEAD and BODY tags, and that they must be the direct children of the HTML element. They also must come in that order (HEAD, then BODY.)

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Q: What is the minimum amount of tags for a valid HTML page?
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What HTML tag is used to mark the top of the page?

The first tag you use when developing an HTML document is the tag. The first tag you use for the main content of your page is the tag. is the tag that marks the top of an HTML page. The minimum required first like is , which starts the definition of the page content.

What is the effect of body in HTML?

The <body></body> tag defines the body of an HTML document. Here is the minimum format needed for a basic HTML page. <html> <head> <title>Title</title> </head> <body> Stuff goes here... </body> </html>

What are the main tags for setting up a typical HTML page?

<html> <title>This will change the tab text at the top of the page</title> <body> </body> </html> These are your basic tags for creating a webpage, any thing less than this here will not be considered valid, and will throw the browser into Quirks Mode.

Why you use body tag?

You need to use a <body> tag because it defines the main body section of an HTML document. Here are the minimum tags required to create a web page: <html> <head><title>My Page</title></head> <body> Hello World! </body> </html>

What is the effect in the body?

The <body></body> tag defines the body of an HTML document. Here is the minimum format needed for a basic HTML page. <html> <head> <title>Title</title> </head> <body> Stuff goes here... </body> </html>

Html code for displaying number of viewers?

You cannot do it directly in HTML. You need a hit counter program to record and display the actual amount of viewers of your page. The HTML just puts the counter on your page. If you do a search for hit counters, you will find lots of free ones on the internet. They will all have ways of embedding them into your page.

How do you create a static page in HTML?

A static page can be easily created in HTML page. It just needs the static tags defined in HTML.

What does HTML page mean?

A HTML page is a web page that is created using Hyper Text Markup Language and is saved with a .html extension

What is the minimum amount to taken to collections?

According to page 2-10 of the Guide to the Federal Credit Bureau Program there is no minimum amount that must be met in order to be reported.

What is the difference between an HTML page and a dhtml page?

DHTML combines HTML, JavaScript, the HTML DOM, and CSS.

What tags are necessary for a webpage?

Title of the page (Displayed in title bar)Your content goes here.The only necessary tags are DOCTYPE and TITLE.All HTML pages have a HEAD element and a BODY element after the doctype, but the tags are optional in HTML (but required in XHTML).Mostly an HTML page has the following structure:Title of the page (Displayed in title bar)Your content goes here.But the truth is that actually not a single tag is mandatory since the browser will correct faults when the webpage is being interpreted.However, there is no guarantee that all browsers will correct the page in the same way if the page is not valid HTML.

Is it compulsory to write HTML tag in HTML file?

Yes. It tells the browser that it is a html page. A page should start and finish with a pair of html tags.