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Teenagers should be getting 7-8 hours sleep minimum.

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Q: What is the minimum hour of sleep for teenager?
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How much sleep do you all need?

people need between 8 to 11 hours of sleep depending on their age and health. For example; a teenager needs a minimum of 9 hours of sleep a night while an adult only needs between 7 to 9. The more sleep a person gets, the better it is for their well being.

What is the recommended hour of sleep is it for a teenager?

Teenage period is when a boy or girl grows the most. Most of this growth in height and weight happens when you sleep. So, getting 8 hours if sleep is very important especially if you are a teenager who wants to grow nice tall and strong

How many hours sleep does a teenager need?


What is the average wage for a teenager at Burger King?

minimum wage.

Is it better to get 8 or 9 hours of sleep if you are a teenager?

When your a teenager you need as much sleep as you can get, because you will be more alert during the day and you will be able to think clearer. You need to get as much sleep as you can :) Kautilya-I agree.But actually it depends,if u are exhausted,let your body rest as much as it wants.But usually for every teenager,8 hours of sleep is very necessary.

What is the minimum wage in Islands?

The minimum wage in Rhode Island is $8.00 an hour, as of 2014. Minimum tipped wage is $2.89 an hour.

How long do you sleep on average each night?

you should get on average 8 hours of sleep if you are a growing teenager.

What is the best pay for a teenager in babysitting?

$50 an hour

What is the minimum wage in Rhode Island?

The minimum wage in Rhode Island is $8.00 an hour, as of 2014. Minimum tipped wage is $2.89 an hour.

What was the minimum wage in New Zealand per hour in 1987?

The minimum wage in Australia per hour in 1987 was AU$15.00 per hour