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A minimum of 6 sets of data are needed to make a valid conclusion.

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Q: What is the minimum number of data points an experiment should gather?
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What is the minimum number of points any line contains?

In Euclidean geometry each line contains a minimum of an infinite number of points. In projective geometry, though, a line may have as few as two points.

What is the minimum number of points needed to identify a line and what do they have in common?

The minimum is two points, one point at each end of the line.

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2 points

What is the minimum number of points needed to identify a line?

Two. Two points determine a line. Three points determine a plane.

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15 points is the minimum points

What is the least and maximum number of lines obtainable with 7 points?

depends on the position of the points if points are collinear, we have just only one line, the minimum number. If points are in different position (if any of the two points are not collinear) we have 21 lines (7C2), the maximum number of lines.

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Sainsbury's gives you the ability to buy vouchers in multiples of å£2.50. Since every 500 points gives you å£2.50, the minimum number of points one requires to redeem a voucher on the Sainsbury's Nectar Card is 500 points.