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Q: What is the minimum number of genes involved in epistasis?
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When two different genes at the same locus control different phenotypes what is it called?

This would be known as epistasis because one gene blocks another from expressing itself. Epistasis could also be the interaction between genes.

What is an example of Epistasis?

Epistasis is when genes interact that aren't alleles. The genes begin to suppress other genes, For example: baldness, or a widow's peak.

What kind of trait is present when many different genes control a single a single trait such as skin color?


How many genes minimum is needed to determine a trait?

The least number is 2, however this is very rare. Most traits require many genes to produce a trait.

What is the difference between epistasis and codominance?

Well, one major difference is, homeostasis (the regulation of stable conditions in the internal environment) is a property of a system (or organism), while epistasis and pleiotropy are properties of genes. However, certain kinds of homeostasis can be controlled by genes (think of the lacoperon). There is a kind of homeostasis, genetic homeostasis, but that is a property of populations, and probably not what you had in mind. Epistasis is the interaction of two or more genes; therefore it is a property of multiple genes. This distinguishes it from pleiotropy,which is a property of a single gene, since a gene is pleiotropic if it effects multiple phenotypes.

What is genes responsible for dengue fever?

No genes are involved. This is a viral disease carried by mosquito.

When neither of the genes are dominant or recessive the genes are said to be?

genes can be codominant for example in blood groups a person can be A,B,AB or O. neither A nor B is more or less dominant than each other but they are dominant over O. there are many other types of dominance/recessive relationships in genes. you could look up epistasis on wikipedia to get a better idea of the bigger picture.

What name is given to genes that regulate the genes involved in determining patterns of anatomical development?

Homeotic gene

Why cancer is caused by multifactorial traits?

because it have two clases of genes involved: oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes

What is the minimum amount of genes needed by a living cell?

The minimum amount of genes is 10 i think.Im not sure. Sorry. I will look it up it now and tell you.Im sorry. I cant find it.If i do, i will tell you.Sorry!