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It depends on many variables, vehicle type, it's weight, tires, weather, road material( gravel, blacktop, concrete, driver reaction time. A good general rule of thumb is to leave 1 1/2-2 car lengths per 10mphs. An example: 9-12 car lengths at 60 mph. It might seam like alot but at that speed you travelling 88 ft/sec. The average family sedan requires 130ft to stop from 60mph(the average sedan being 16ft +/- =8.1 length leaving 12ft to spare). That is assuming you brake instantly, the 2 car lengths would give you a "1/2 a second" to react, which I think everyone would say it's much. With bad weather rain,snow,fog that should double or triple.

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Q: What is the minimum stopping distance for a car?
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What is meant by the stopping distance in a car?

It means the minimum distance the car moves between the time the driver decides to stop and the time the car actually stops. The distance can never be zero, and any pedestrian or animal who happens to be crossing in front of the car at a distance less than the stopping distance is simply out of luck.

What happens to the stopping distance as a car moves faster?

The stopping distance of a car increases.

What happens to the stopping distance when the car speed increases?

Stopping distance also increases.

What is the element of stopping distance?

Total stopping distance is the thinking distance (The distance it takes for your brain to process the event and decide to stop the car) and the stopping distance (The distance it takes to stop the car once deceleration has begun) added together.

What is the relationship between a car's mass and its stopping distance?

The greater the mass of the car and its occupants the longer the stopping distance that is required for the vehicle. Stopping distance is calculated by taking into account car mass and reaction time in braking

What is the element of total stopping distance?

Total stopping distance is the thinking distance (The distance it takes for your brain to process the event and decide to stop the car) and the stopping distance (The distance it takes to stop the car once deceleration has begun) added together.

How does friction on tires effect the stopping distance of a car?

The more friction, the quicker the vehicle will stop, meaning less stopping distance.

What happens when a car stopping distance when a road gets wet?

Less traction on a wet road so the stopping distance increases.

Is it twice the stopping distance for a car in freezing conditions?

No - the stopping distance depends on the speed of the vehicle - it' not simply a case of 'doubling-up'.

What does wet road conditions affect on a car?

Stopping distance

What is the stopping distance for a car traveling at 30mph?

about 22 metres

What is the stopping distance for a car travelling 35 at mph?

3 meaters