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Q: What is the minimum withdrawal distance for a know quantity of HCD 1.1 explosives 15000 lbs NEW or less involved in a fire?
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How do you calculate a k-factor for explosives?

Net explosives weight is used to calculate Quantity Distance by means of a formula D = K*W1/3, where "D" is the distance in feet, "K" is a factor (also called K-factor) that is dependent upon the risk assumed or permitted, and "W" is the NEW in pounds. When metric units are used, the symbol "Q" denotes NEQ in kilograms. In the formula D(m) = Km*Q1/3, the distance "D" is expressed in meters. Thus, the units of "K" are feet/pounds 1/3 and "Km" are meters/kilogram 1/3 in the two systems. The value of "K" in English units is approximately 2.52 times "Km." For example, if D(m) = 4.36*Q1/3, then D(ft) = 11*W1/3. Distance requirements determined by the formula with English units are sometimes expressed by the value of "K," using the terminology K9, K11, K18, to mean K = 9, K = 11, and K = 18

How prepare ppm report?

Assuming that you are referring to PPM as (parts per million), you can prepare a report on the solution, depending on the different ingredients that are involved and quantity of each substance present.

How do you get the formula for net explosive weight?

To get the Net Explosive Weight, (NEW) Quantity x Weight x RE Factor= NEW Im not sure what explosives you are using. but this is the military format for explosives. For example 5 blocks of C4 C4 weighs 1.25 lb's/ block C4's RE factor is 1.34 5 x 1.25 x 1.34 = 8.375 8.375 is the NEW of JUST the C4, in your calculations you will have to include Detonation cord, initiators, etc... Hope this answered your qestion

FOrmula to calculate gcv of coal?

Weighted average of oil consumed:(rate of oil A * quantity of oil A) + (rate of oil B * quantity of oil B)Quantity of oil (A+B)GCV of oil consumed:(GCV * quantity of oil A) + (GCV * quantity of oil B)Quantity of oil (A+B)

How does a quantity differ from a unit?

The difference between quantity and unit in "16 pounds" is the unit is pounds and the quantity is 16.

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What is the minimum withdrawal distance for a hcd 1.1 bomb or explosive of a known quantity greater than five inches in caliber that is involved in a fire?


Is distance a vector or scalar quantity?

Distance is a sclar quantity. A scalar quantity is a magnitude only. A vector has magnitude and direction. Distance AND direction is a vector quantity.

What is the quantity as acalar or vector?

A vector quantity has both size (magnitude) and direction involved but a scalar quantity only has size involved and not direction.

Is distance a vector quantity?

AnswerNo, distance is not a vector quantity. It is a Scalar Quantity because it doesn't tell you the direction its going in, it just tells you the distance the object moved.False

Is distance a physical quantity?

Yes, it is a physical quantity (Fundamental)

Which is a scalar quantity a. displacement b. distance c. force d. acceleration?

b. distance is a scalar quantity.

Is the distance a vector or scalar quantity?

scalar direction is a vector quantity

What is the minimum withdrawl distance for a HC D 1.1 or 1.5 explosive known quantity of 15000 55285 lbs new stored in facility that is involved in a fire?


Is distance a qualitative or quantitative variable?

'Distance' is quantitative, because it is a quantity.

What is difference between amplitude and displacement?

displacement is the vector quantity and the distance is scalar quantity, displacement is the shortest distance between two points.

What is the unit for displacement?

Displacement is measured in distance, so any measurement dealing with only distance will work. The SI units are meters.

What info do you need to define vector quantity?

You need the magnitude and the distance for defining the vector quantity