

What is the mission for the first of the Apollo missions?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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The Apollo 7 spacecraft flew to test the Apollo spacecraft after the first one burnt i a fire. And astronauts Virgil grissim, edward White and roger Chaffee died.

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Q: What is the mission for the first of the Apollo missions?
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Which Apollo mission completed the first landing on the moon?

Apollo 11 was the first mission to land on the moon. The previous Apollo missions were test missions to rehearse the procedures needed for the landing.

What was the name of the Apollo mission?

The Apollo missions were named, well, Apollo. If you are asking about the first landing, it was Apollo 11.

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All Apollo missions were manned.

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The Apollo mission was announced in June 1960.

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The Apollo 17 was the last Apollo Moon mission, as the Missions 18-21 were cancled.

What is the name of Apollo mission?

The Apollo space missions are numbered from Apollo 7 to 17.

Why are the Apollo spacecrafts called Apollo?

Apollo was the name of the project that was attempting to get men to the moon. The program was named after the Greek god of light and music by NASA manager Abe Silverstein. There were various parts of the mission, starting with basic tests of the components that would be used, such as the modules and the rockets. Some of the missions sent unmanned rockets into space. The first mission was Apollo 1, then Apollo 2 and so on. Apollo 7 was the first of the Apollo missions to take men into space. Apollo 11 was the first one to land on the moon. Apollo 17 was the last Apollo mission.

What was the focus of the Apollo missions?

The Apollo prgram's mission was scientific: to study the moon.

Which Apollo mission took the first men to the moon?

Apollo 8 was the first mission to take men to the moon. They only orbited it, and did not land. Apollo 11 was the first mission to actually land on the moon. Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon, followed by Buzz Aldrin. The previous Apollo missions had been in earth or lunar orbit.

When did the Apollo missions end?

The Apollo mission ended in December 1972.

Which Apollo mission did not land on the moon?

Of the missions that were scheduled to make moon landings, only Apollo 13 had to abort their mission.

What was the last Apollo missions to go to the moon?

The last mission was the Apollo 17 also the eleventh Apollo mission and sixth and last lunar landing.