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Is it possible to further define your question? If you meant to say "What is the combination of the contents of the abdomen called?", the answer is viscera. Viscera pertains to any large organ within a body cavity, and particularly to the abdomen. However, if you really did mean to ask about the contents of the stomach itself, then please disregard this answer!!

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Q: What is the mixed content of the stomach called?
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What is the food mass called after it leaves the stomach?

Chyme. Food begins entering the mouth and is mixed with saliva and this mass is called a bolus. The bolus goes down the esophogus to the stomach where it is mixed with stomach acids and becomes chyme. The chyme goes through gastric emptying into the small intestine where it is then mixed with bile to allow the transport of fat into the blood stream.

After being mixed where would the food go to be mixed with acid?

After being chewed, food goes down a tube called the esophagus and into the stomach which is very acidic.

What churns and mixes food?

The stomach the stomach the stomach's job is to churn and mixed and digest food until it's a liquid.

How is a chyme formed?

chyme is formed in stomach. the food we eat is churned and then swollowed as bolus. this bolus is grinded and made into an paste , which is thouroghly mixed with the gastric juice in the stomach, and this is called as chyme.

What mixed gland is located close to the stomach amd small intestine?

The pancreas is the mixed gland located close to the stomach and small intestine.

Where is protease mixed with food?

stomach, small intestine

How does food get from the mouth to the stomach?

It is chewed and mixed with saliva, then swallowed into the esophagus and called a bolus. Then muscle contractions called peristaltic action propel it down. When it gets to the cardioesophageal sphincter, it opens up and allows the bolus (food and saliva mixture) to enter the stomach.

Why do pickles settle an upset stomach?

because of the sodium content.

What is the liquid called in your stomach?

Its called stomach acid.

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What is an animals stomach called?

Most animals' stomachs are called a stomach