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Q: What is the mode of ingestion of frog?
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What is the mode of ingestion of butterfly?

The mode of ingestion of a butterfly is through the long proboscis. This part of the butterfly sucks in nectar.

What is the mode of nutrition for frog?


What is the mode of reproduction in frog?

They lay eggs and perform external fertilization.

How does frog ingestion?

Ingestion is the process of getting food into an animals mouth. Various frogs feed in different ways. Some have long and stick tongues, which they shoot out at prey to capture it at a distance. Other frogs capture by simple ambush. Frogs then have a series of maxillary teeth to grind food for swallowing.

What is the mode of nutrition and ingestion of butterflies?

There are kind of food that butterflies commonly eat are tree sap, nectar from flowers, dung, rotting fruits and so many more. The mode of feeding is facilitate by the proboscis which allows the butterfly to suck foods which are in form of liquids.

What does ingestion refer to?

Ingestion is the consumption of something.

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Amoebiasis is usually transmitted by the fecal-oral route. Ameobas are also transferred indirectly through contact with dirty hands, and is spread through ingestion.

What is a bird ingestion?

A bird ingestion is another term for an Avian ingestion, the collision between a bird and an aircraft in motion.

What does the lungs do on a frog?

Through their skin. If kept moist frogs do quite well in this mode of respiration.

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What is the definition of ingestion?

Ingestion is food being taken into the body

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