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Q: What is the mode of nutrition in Cuscuta Plant?
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What is the mode of nutrition in cuscuta?

Cuscuta has a parasitic mode of nutrition.

How does cuscuta obtain its nutrition?

from host plant

What is the scientific name of the cuscuta plant?

The scientific name of the cuscuta plant is Cuscuta.

Mode of nutrition in pitcher plant?

autotrophic mode of nutrition

What type of plant is cuscuta?

Cuscuta is a parasitic plant.

Name any two autotrophic plants which also show heterotrophic mode of nutrition?

# green parasitic plants # predetor plants-usually catch insects

What is cuscuta dodder?

Cuscuta, commonly known as dodder, is a parasitic plant that lacks chlorophyll and therefore depends on other plants for nutrients. It wraps itself around a host plant and extracts water and nutrients from it. Dodder can weaken or even kill its host plant if left unchecked.

What is mode of nutrition for PLANTAE?

The mode of nutrition for Kingdom Plantae Is mostly photosynthesis and also when the roots of the plant absorbs nutrients from the soil.

How does cuscuta plant get its food?

Cuscuta is commonly known as dodder. It is a parasitic plant. It attaches itself to other plants and obtains its food from the host plant. The dodder produces haustoria that insert themselves into the vascular system of the host plant.

What is common amongst cuscuta ticks and leeches?

they all intake parasitic nutrition

What kind of plant is an example of a parasitic plant?

Cuscuta Parasite Plant Dodder

What is the scientific name of dodder plant?

The scientific name of the dodder plant is Cuscuta.