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Momentum defined as p=mv..

The momentum of the truck depends on its velocity

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Q: What is the momentum of a 500 kg truck before it strikes a 300 kg parked car?
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A 500kg truck moving a 30ms strikes a parked car and they connect together and move forward what is the speed of the car and truck as they move forward connected together?

Momentum = mass x velocity. You already stated the mass and velocity so you can figure out the momentum.

Why does a semi truck have more momentum than a bicycle?

A parked semi truck has no momentum. A moving bicycle does. If both the bike and the truck are moving at the same speed in the same direction, the truck will have more because it has more mass.

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Momentum = mass * velocityTherefore the Volswagen rolling down the hill has greater momentum than the truck which is sationary.Volkswagen: momentum = mass * velocityTruck: momentum = mass * 0 = 0

When a toy truck collides into a toy car the momentum of the what is the same before and after the collision?

The total momentum of the system doesn't change. In this case, it refers to the momentum of the toy truck plus the momentum of the toy car.

A 500kg truck moving at 30ms strikes a parked 300kg car they connect together and move forward what is the speed of the car and truck as they move forward connected together after the collision?

A Lot!

When a toy truck collides with a toy car the momentum of is the same before and after collision?


A 500kg truck moving a 30ms strikes a parked car with a mass of 300kg?

It is a perfectly inelastic collision.Types of collisions:* Perfectly inelastic- collision in which two objects stick together after the collision so that their final velocities are the same. * Elastic-collision in which the two objects bounce after the collision so that they move separately * Inelastic-collision in which the two objects deform during the collision so that the total kinetic energy decreases , but the objects move separately after the collision.

Which truck has more momentum a 2000kg truckor a 2kg truck?

That would depend on their velocity (speed with direction), since the formula for momentum is momentum=Mass*Velocity. If they are moving at the same Velocity, the heavier of the two would have greater momentum.

Is the momentum of a 5000kg truck that is still standing is greater than the momentum of a 3000kg truck that is also at rest?


When a toy truck collides into a toy car the momentum of is the same before and after the collision?

yes the momentum of it is the same because P initial = P final ALWAYS!

When a toy truck collides into a toy carthe momentum of what is the same before and after the collision?

The sum of the momentum of the two toys before the collision will be the same as the momentum of the two toys after the collision except for some losses due to heat dissipation and frictional losses.

When would the linear momentum of a truck be greater than that of a bus?

The linear momentum of a truck would be greater than that of a bus if the truck has a larger mass or is moving at a higher velocity compared to the bus. Linear momentum is directly proportional to the mass and velocity of an object.